Air Purification

Air Purification

Air purifiers which make use of water as a filter are cost-effective, as replacing filters can be expensive. The variety of water-using air cleanser appliances that Great Imports specializes in are Air Purifiers

Our Air Purifiers  allow for the addition of concentrates. However, only Crystal Aire concentrates should be used as they are specially designed to be water-soluble. This allows for provision of a pleasing fragrance without staining of the appliance. The addition of concentrates to the water further improve the quality of the air with their anti-bacterial properties and fresh fragrances

The volume of air being processed by the appliance, with water, allows for the supplementation of humidity in the air.

Our Air purifiers cleanse the air of pollutants; primarily pollen, dust and pet dander.

Our Purifiers assist in the elimination of bacteria. All the Crystal Aire purifiers and concentrates effectively reduce mould growth, neutralise bad odours and eliminate pollen spores.

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